Saturday 12 August 2017

S7 Média Móvel

Samsung Galaxy S7 S7 Edge preço, características e especificações: Samsung Galaxy ultrapassa as vendas de iPhone da Apple iPhone Galaxy S7 bate os carregamentos do iPhone 6 no mercado americano O novo Samsung Galaxy S7 lançado em fevereiro deste ano ao lado do Galaxy S7 edge. Aqui reunimos todas as últimas notícias sobre o Samsung Galaxy S7, incluindo data de lançamento, preço, rumores e recursos. Samsung Galaxy S7 e Galaxy S7 edge: de relance Samsung Galaxy S7 e Galaxy S7 edge data de lançamento 21 de fevereiro Galaxy S7 e S7 edge em venda no Reino Unido 11 de março Galaxy S7 UK preço a partir de 599 IVA incluído Galaxy S7 edge preço de 639 IVA incluído Samsung Galaxy S7: últimas notícias 15 07 2016: os carregamentos de smartphones da Samsung ultrapassaram o iPhone nos EUA, graças às fortes vendas do Galaxy S7. De acordo com pesquisas da Kantor World Panel, nos três meses até maio deste ano, a Samsung representou 37 por cento das vendas de smartphones e a Apple por 29 por cento. No entanto, entre os telefones principais, foi uma ligação mais próxima com o Galaxy S7 S7 Edge, que contabilizava 16% das vendas e o iPhone 6s 6s Plus em 14,6%. A pesquisa também encontrou apenas cinco por cento das compras da Samsung vieram daqueles que se deslocam da Apple, enquanto 14 por cento dos compradores da Apple se mudaram da Samsung. No Reino Unido, é uma coisa mais próxima, com cada uma representando 36 por cento das vendas neste mercado. 11 07 2016: O robusto modelo Galaxy S7 Active da Samsung falhou no teste de resistência à água, apesar de ter uma classificação de resistência à água IP68. Esta certificação supostamente garante um dispositivo pode sobreviver a imersão total em até cinco pés de água por até 30 minutos, mas o S7 Active não conseguiu atender a essas reivindicações quando submetido a testes pela organização de testes de produtos Consumer Reports. Depois de ser colocado em um tanque pressionado para o equivalente a cinco pés de água por 30 minutos, a tela ficou obscurecida por linhas verdes, com bolhas de umidade visíveis dentro de ambas as lentes da câmera, disse o grupo. Depois que o primeiro dispositivo falhou, os técnicos enviaram uma segunda unidade para o mesmo teste. O segundo dispositivo também falhou, sem que o modelo volte à funcionalidade completa. O dispositivo ativo Samsung Galaxy S7 é um dos telefones mais robustos até à data e é altamente resistente a riscos e certificado IP68, informou a empresa em um comunicado ao Consumer Reports, mas admitiu que pode haver uma chance de que um dispositivo defeituoso não seja Tão estanque quanto deveria, e disse que está investigando o assunto. A impermeabilização tem sido um importante ponto de venda da gama Samsung Galaxy S, especialmente depois de ser reintegrada para a última geração. É uma característica particularmente importante do S7 Active, uma vez que é projetado para uso em ambientes externos difíceis. Consumer Reports observou que, de todos os modelos Galaxy S7 atuais, o S7 Active foi o único a falhar seu teste de imersão, com o S7 e o S7 Edge passando. 28 06 2016: a Samsung deverá lançar uma edição limitada Galaxy S7 Edge a tempo para as Olimpíadas de 2016 que aconteceram no Brasil no próximo mês, relatórios de Revisão de Confiança. Uma imagem que alegadamente mostrou as novas edições foi vazada por Evan Blass (evleaks), com os telefones representados com os anéis olímpicos logoatados no fundo da parte traseira, juntamente com detalhes de ouro azul em torno do botão de casa, fone de ouvido e módulo de câmera. Como o relatório observa, a revelação foi previamente predita pela SamMobile. Com base no empate Samsung's Olympics anterior com a linha Galaxy S. 08 06 2016: O Samsung Galaxy S7 acaba de receber uma nova adição, na forma do Samsung Galaxy S7 Active. Para aqueles que não encontraram a linha Active da Samsung, eles são versões robustas da sua linha principal, projetadas para serem usadas em todos os tempos e ambientes. Isso significa que, além do S7s regular IP68 de água e à prova de poeira, o S7 ativo também vem com um armário de borracha reforçada e resistente à queda a uma altura de cinco metros. A tela também é supostamente à prova de quebra, embora nós não desejássemos necessariamente testar isso. A maior atualização, no entanto, é para a bateria. A bateria S7 Actives é um terço maior do que o padrão S7, trazendo sua capacidade total para 4.000mAh. Isso significa que não só você pode levá-lo de caiaque ou derrubar um barranco, o S7 Active é capaz de passar pelo menos um dia inteiro na região selvagem. Há um pequeno problema, no entanto, está disponível apenas na América, e apenas através do operador de rede ATampT. A Samsung não revelou quando ou se o S7 Active virá para outros territórios, mas com base nas baixas vendas de dispositivos ativos anteriores, se surpreenda se ele chegar à Europa. 02 06 2016: a Samsung anunciou uma nova versão inspirada do Batman do Galaxy S7 Edge. Apelidado da Injustice Edition, o telefone vem em preto com aparas de ouro. Existe mesmo um símbolo de Batman na parte de trás. Em um vídeo unboxing. O telefone vem com fones de ouvido, uma capa protetora estilo Batman e um fone de ouvido de realidade virtual. A interface do usuário foi alterada ligeiramente para dar mais um tema de Batman. Ele também parece incluir um videogame com o super-herói Gotham. O telefone comemora o terceiro aniversário do popular jogo móvel, Injustice: Gods Among Us. O jogo possui um mecânico de cartas colecionáveis ​​e envolve jogadores em combate de equipe de tag 3-em-3 que apresentam muitos dos personagens mais emblemáticos do DC. O telefone estará disponível a partir de 13 de junho. Nenhum preço foi definido para o smartphone. Aparecerá exclusivamente em territórios selecionados, incluindo China, Cingapura, Coréia, América Latina e Rússia. Atualmente não há nenhuma palavra sobre um lançamento no Reino Unido. 17 05 2016: a Samsung oferecerá aos novos clientes Galaxy S7 e S7 edge um pacote de conteúdo exclusivo da Gear VR, o que significa que eles podem colocar as mãos no fone de ouvido Samsung Gear VR por um preço com desconto, ao lado de um pacote gratuito de jogos e experiências para aproveitar ao máximo Do fone de ouvido de realidade virtual. O conteúdo incluído no pacote é Anshar Wars 2, Darknet, Drift, Keep Talking e Nobody Explode, Ocean Rift e Starchart, embora nem oculus nem a Samsung tenham anunciado o quanto o preço com desconto irá economizar no preço de varejo. Nosso Galaxy S7 e S7 edge estão apresentando um desempenho extremamente bom, demonstrando uma forte e forte demanda por nossos principais dispositivos principais, disse David Lowes, diretor de marketing da Samsung Electronics Europe. O smartphone já é tão fundamental para nossas vidas, mas conectá-lo com um produto como o Gear VR abre novas experiências incríveis que são muitas vezes tão emotivas quanto imersivas. Com este novo incentivo, encorajamos a adoção de VR mais ampla para que mais pessoas possam experimentar essa nova tecnologia incrível para si. A Samsung vendeu 300.000 fones de ouvido Gear VR na Europa até agora este ano, com o mercado de realidade virtual definido para crescer 168% ano a ano em 2016 de acordo com a CCS Insight. Em Oculus, queremos que as pessoas experimentem qualquer coisa, em qualquer lugar através do poder da realidade virtual e começaram a ver isso acontecer com Gear VR, disse Max Cohen, chefe de celular da Oculus. Juntos, o hardware e o software fornecem a melhor experiência de VR no mercado disponível hoje e esperamos continuar a estimular e envolver os consumidores europeus. 13 05 2016: O Samsung Galaxy S7 e o S7 Edge estão preparados para liderar o mercado de telefones inteligentes nos Estados Unidos no segundo trimestre de 2016, de acordo com novos dados. A Kantar Worldpanel lançou dados que destacam o sucesso contínuo da Samsung Galaxy S7, que representou quase 6 por cento das vendas de smartphones nos EUA durante o primeiro trimestre, apesar de apenas ser lançado em 11 de março. Isso faz com que o S7 e S7 Edge sejam o quinto melhor - Vendendo smartphone durante esse período, e o ranking da Samsung está programado para subir ainda mais no segundo trimestre. Entre os que compraram o dispositivo em março, a duração da bateria, a qualidade da câmera, a capacidade de armazenamento e a velocidade de processamento foram altamente citados como incentivos. 07 04 2016: a Samsung espera que as vendas do seu smartphone Galaxy 7 alimentem um salto de 10% no lucro operacional para o primeiro trimestre de 2016. O fabricante de telefones sul-coreano prevê seu lucro operacional para atingir 6,6 trilhões de won coreano (3,9 bilhões) entre janeiro E março deste ano, em comparação com seis trilões de vencimentos no mesmo período do ano passado. Ele vem após o Galaxy S7 lançado no final de fevereiro para boas revisões (incluindo a nossa), com os registros de gravação do modelo em monitores de smartphones, como a maior precisão de cores, o maior pico de brilho e a maior resolução de tela. O dispositivo é amplamente acreditado para vender bem, e a Samsung lançará seus resultados do primeiro trimestre no final deste mês. 04 04 2016: O Samsung Galaxy S7 sofreu um corte de preços de cerca de 150 nos EUA. De acordo com a CNN, o Walmart está realizando uma promoção Rollback nesses aparelhos e 100 em todos os iPhones da Apple até o final de junho. Os descontos aplicam-se ao iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6S, novo SE de quatro polegadas e Samsung Galaxy 6 e 7. 01 04 2016: a data de lançamento para um dos principais concorrentes do Galaxy S7 - o HTC 10 (provavelmente) Foi anunciado na terça-feira, 12 de abril. Há uma transmissão ao vivo que ocorre no horário de 1 hora de Londres para o dispositivo, que pode ser chamado de HTC 10 ou HTC One M10, dependendo do rumor que você ouça. Os vazamentos sugerem que o HTC 10 terá um novo design de chassi, tela de resolução de 5,1 polegadas que suporte o Super LCD, não AMOLED, uma câmera traseira de 12 megapixels e uma variedade de cores. No interior, espera-se contar com um processador Snapdragon 820, 4GB de RAM, 32GB de memória interna com suporte microSD e uma bateria de 3.000mAh. Com um lançamento antecipado de maio, após o anúncio de abril, a HTC está atrasada no lançamento de um novo telefone este ano, com os rivais LG e Samsung - e até a Apple - já lançaram aparelhos em 2016. No papel, essas especificações também são bastante semelhantes às O Galaxy S7, desde o tamanho da tela até o armazenamento para as especificações da câmera, então o HTC precisará tirar algo bastante especial para competir. Navegação popular O sistema Galaxy S7 usa o 8GB fora da caixa, mas você pode mover aplicativos para SD. Lembre-se disso Grande fedor que foi feito sobre a Samsung não permitindo o Android 6.0 Marshmallow8217s recurso de armazenamento adotável Bem, isso é certo aqui é porque as pessoas jogaram um pouco de ajuste. Fora da caixa, o Samsung Galaxy S7 usa até 8GB do telefone 8217s 32GB para aplicativos do sistema e TouchWiz e tudo o que a Samsung tenha pré-carregado. Essa é uma quarta parte de todo o seu armazenamento interno, de outro jeito. Isso não é bom. Como você pode ver a partir da imagem acima, antes mesmo de concluir a configuração no meu Galaxy S7 (nós não o colocamos aqui), eu estava com menos de metade do meu armazenamento de 32 GB disponível. Na verdade, a imagem mostra que o I8217ve usou menos de 16GB no total, mas o I8217m ainda está instalando aplicativos e já saltou a meio caminho e agora tem cerca de 15GB para usar. Se eu fosse um proprietário típico de smartphone que mantenha um telefone por dois anos, 15GB não me deixa muito espaço para instalar aplicativos. As pessoas estavam reclamando sobre a falta de armazenamento adotável, porque eles assumiram que os instaladores de aplicativos pesados ​​rapidamente ficariam sem espaço para instalar mais aplicativos. Se você olhar para a minha situação, isso poderia acontecer facilmente. No entanto, depois de escavar nas configurações de armazenamento do Galaxy S7, notei que a Samsung ainda permite que você mova aplicativos para cartões SD, assim como eles fizeram no passado. Dê uma olhada. Eu corri esse processo com uma série de aplicativos que eu instalei através do Google Play que as aplicações do sistema weren8217t. De jogos para aplicativos da companhia aérea para o Google Analytics 8211, todos me deixam movê-los para o meu SD de 200 GB. Se eu rasguei o cartão SD, tirei todos esses aplicativos e disse que estavam amarrados ao cartão SD. Isso é um pouco surpreendente, uma vez que a Moto X Pure Edition não permite que você faça isso. Veja aqui mesmo. Assim, a Samsung pode usar até 8 GB de espaço para aplicativos e serviços do sistema, mas eles ainda estão permitindo que você mova aplicativos para um cartão SD para liberar espaço na partição interna. That8217s é um bom sinal, especialmente porque você pode colocar até 200GB de cartões SD no S7 ou S7 Edge. E agora pode ser um bom momento para comprar este microSD SanDisk de 200 GB da Amazon. Sentir-se melhor sobre a situação de armazenamento COBERTURA ADICIONAL Postar navegação Eu tenho um problema ligeiramente diferente. Comprei um SD de 64 GB, mas meu menu de armazenamento não parece me permitir mover qualquer aplicativo. Eu não tenho uma tela como a mostrada acima e can8217t parece encontrar em qualquer lugar nos vários menus onde essa opção é oferecida. Isso praticamente torna o telefone inútil para mim. Sem dúvida é que eu não consigo encontrar algo bem na minha frente (você deveria me ver em uma loja de ferragens), mas possivelmente não. Qualquer sugestão por aí I8217m não ter tanta sorte com os aplicativos em movimento. Dá alguns momentos ... 10 minutos depois ... Nada. Infelizmente, parece que um monte de jogos e aplicativos VR vão direto ao armazenamento interno e muitos deles podem ser movidos para que Samsung parece ter disparado seus planos de dominação do mundo VR no pé, omitido armazenamento adaptável8230 I8217m tão preso. Eu tenho o Galaxy S7 Edge com um cartão SD Samsung de 128GB inserido. I8217ve formatou o cartão SD enquanto estava no telefone e tentou deslocar os aplicativos, mas o telefone está atuando como o cartão SD isn8217t inserido. Meus aplicativos possuem o ícone transparente 8220SD Card8221 que seu telefone mostra quando você remove seu cartão SD depois de mover seus aplicativos. Todas as dicas consegui mover muitos dos meus aplicativos para o SD, mas por algum motivo eu consigo ver os arquivos no explorador e meu armazenamento isn8217t foi mostrado com precisão. Ele ainda mostra que há apenas 2GB usado no meu SD, embora o I8217ve tenha transferido cerca de 6gb8217s de coisas através do Gerenciador de Aplicativos. Eu reiniciei o telefone também. Isso é normal ou fez algo errado. Fiquei muito desapontado ao descobrir que eles desativaram esse recurso. Permitir que o cartão SD seja montado como armazenamento interno resolve os seguintes problemas: 1.) Nem todos os aplicativos podem ser movidos para o SD 8211 você está à mercê do desenvolvedor. 2.) Mesmo quando os aplicativos podem ser movidos para o SD muitas vezes, eles são apenas parcialmente movidos 8211, alguns dos aplicativos residem no SD e alguns na memória interna. 3.) Cache 8211 Cresce 8230 e cresce. Aplicativos como Pinterest usam GB8217s de cache. It8217s é um duplo golpe. Sim, o cache foi limpo, mas isso derrota a finalidade de um cache. 4.) Em quase todos os casos, após as atualizações de um aplicativo (e algumas atualizações de aplicativos freqüentemente), ele retorna ao armazenamento interno em que ponto você deve movê-lo manualmente para o SD. Isso pode ser muito tedioso e demorado, dependendo do número de aplicativos It8217s um loop vicioso. Acabei de receber o meu novo s7 edge. Parece que muitos dos meus aplicativos não me oferecem a opção de se deslocar para o externo e já estou em 32. no meu interno. Não tão feliz. Qualquer ajuda Bem, 8gb é um passo na direção certa. Acho que o meu s6 tinha 22 23 disponível de uma ardósia limpa. Mas isso é o que acontece quando você obtém um dispositivo de marca transportadora. Eu acho que enquanto é bom eles ainda permitem o App2sd, mas os geeks podem saber como fazer isso, mas o consumidor geral terá a ideia de como fazer isso. A quantidade de armazenamento deixada é ridícula 15 gb à esquerda é diminutivo nos dias de hoje com todos os jogos de aplicativos e muitos ficaram maiores em tamanho. Parece sempre que eles conseguem algo certo e depois estragam em outro lugar. I8217m adivinhando o motivo pelo qual eles foram com os 32 gb foi manter o custo do telefone para baixo. A Samsung fornece outra razão pela qual o 16GB nunca deve descrever a capacidade de armazenamento do seu telefone neste dia e idade. Ele só deve ser usado para descrever a quantidade de RAM no seu computador. Diga-me novamente. Por que eles removeram o armazenamento adotável. Eu entenderia se havia problemas de incompatibilidade ou problemas de diferença de velocidade entre ufs e o cartão SD, mas ESTA, eles deixam esse recurso permanecer. Esta é basicamente uma versão semi-ass de armazenamento adotivo Mesmo o HTC A9 deixou o recurso como está. Por que remover um recurso amigável de entusiasta grátis. Eu posso lembrar o motivo exato, mas a Samsung e a LG afirmaram que não queriam desativar o armazenamento adotável, mas a forma como o Google implementou isso tornou muito incômodo ou impossível deixá-lo ativado. Eu não sei se ou não isso é verdade, mas parece legal já que a LG e a Samsung disseram o mesmo. Não consigo ver nenhum benefício para a sua desativação, por isso parece lógico que eles fizeram isso apenas porque tinham que fazê-lo. Porque se você instalar um cartão sd e usar o armazenamento adotável, ele formata o cartão. Haveria toneladas de pessoas atirando cartões com fotos existentes, documentos pessoais, etc. e inadvertidamente excluindo-os. Então, adivinhe quem culpa a Samsung ou LG, e não ao Google. S7, ambos optaram por esse pesadelo de suporte de PR específico, sim, que eu entendo, mas isso não é como um recurso de formato automático. It8217s uma escolha do usuário para deixá-lo como está ou combinar o armazenamento. Ocultar em opções de desenvolvedor ou algo assim. Provavelmente não poderia ativar ou mexer com o recurso se você não soubesse o que faz. Como eu disse que a HTC não tem problema na A9, a menor das 3 empresas. Além disso, eu preciso ter certeza de que deveria solicitar que você apague o cartão antes de fazê-lo. Então, se você fizer isso depois disso, a sua própria culpa é sua. Você pode fazer tudo prova de idiota ou nós ainda estaríamos batendo uns com os outros com varas na floresta. O recurso avisa o usuário de que o cartão SD será formatado e recomenda que os usuários façam backup de seus dados antes de usá-lo como um armazenamento interno e they8217ll também recomenda contra a utilização do recurso se o cartão que o usuário tiver é lento. Dado que8217s como está em estoque Android, eu não consigo comprar toda a teoria de desastres PR. Com um aviso de corte claro já incluído por padrão, it8217s a falha users8217 por não ter lido com antecedência. Então você está bastante classificado no nível de conhecimento do usuário médio. Os leitores deste fórum NÃO são o usuário médio. E eu garanto que, se essa opção fosse automática, o suporte técnico da Samsung8217 e o pessoal da loja ficariam inundados com pessoas que excluíram os primeiros passos de seu primeiro filho. A maioria das pessoas tira o cartão sd de seu telefone antigo e coloque-o no novo. Neste caso, todos esses dados serão apagados. It8217s também não automático. Você publicou uma notificação por pop-up na primeira vez que você insere um cartão e pergunta-lhe de que forma você pretende usá-lo (e, claro, use como armazenamento interno8221 um aviso na descrição). Se ignorado ou o usuário escolher 8220utilizar como armazenamento portátil8221, o usuário não está irritado e o recurso permanece acessível nas configurações. Talvez eu esteja sobrecarregando o Joe médio que não sabe mudar o lançador é uma coisa, mas ainda acho a decisão da Samsung8217 ser ridícula. Se eles queriam proteger os usuários, eles poderiam ocultá-lo em opções de desenvolvedor. A outra consideração é que eu não quero os meus aplicativos e dados do aplicativo em uma mídia de armazenamento que é quase 50 vezes mais lenta do que o meu armazenamento a bordo. Isso não está em tópico com o que você está dizendo. Eu concordo que eles deveriam colocá-lo em Opções de desenvolvedor, mas I8217d pessoalmente nunca usa o recurso. Muito comprometimento de desempenho e risco potencial de falha Como o meu S4 atual é 16GB, 32 é uma melhoria imediatamente Pensar que I8217ve bastante decidido no S7 para minha atualização. Esta é uma boa notícia e acalma meu maior medo. Agora eu possuo o iPhone 6s Plus 128gb como meu pessoal e o Galaxy S6 64gb, pois o telefone da minha empresa, portanto, caindo para um telefone de 32gb é um grande negócio e um grande compromisso. Prefiro a memória interna sobre os cartões de memória e gosto que meu iPhone possa armazenar todos os meus aplicativos, jogos, fotos, filmes, músicas e músicas sem ser obrigado a comprar um cartão de memória. Esperemos que no próximo ano a Samsung traga de volta a opção de 64gb. Em vez de obter o GS78230I8217m tentando o Edge como meu telefone comercial este ano devido à bateria maior. Excelente artigo e obrigado pela informação. Apenas root seu dispositivo e remova os aplicativos do sistema, você precisa do 8220my. friend8217s mate está recebendo 98. HORA. Na internet.82218230. Há dois dias, a nova McLaren. F1 comprou depois de ganhar 18.512. Este foi meu salário anterior do mês8217 e, um pouco mais, 17k no mês passado. 3-5 horas de trabalho por dias. Com ampliação extra aberta semanalmente. Cheques de pagamento. Realmente, o trabalho mais fácil que eu já fiz. Eu entrei isso há 7 meses e agora faz mais de 87, p h. Aprenda. Mais à direita aqui o323 GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportsJobs GetPaid 98hourly 8230..A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1. O323. Aguarde as incríveis notícias da Apple, nenhum outro telefone oferecerá seu armazenamento padrão, 32g para o modelo de nível de entrada em 2016, inovador e à frente de seu tempo8230. Há conversa eles também inventaram uma coisa chamada gravação estéreo e 2017 poderia Seja o ano em que mostram uma coisa que eles chamam de roda de maçã, como uma roda normal, mas o dobro do custo. Wow mark, um comentário da Apple bashing, como eu sei que original, você não tem nada de bom a oferecer do que os ataques imaturos à Apple, triste. OK, eu tenho que perguntar isso. Por que alguém pagaria os preços do iPhone por um dispositivo Android que também inclui bloatware Concorrer a bloatware normalmente significa que você obtém o produto mais barato. Você não precisa comprar um computador com bloatware e pagar o mesmo preço que um que não o tenha. Então, por que você pensa que isso deve acontecer com os smartphones. Alguns podem dizer que você está pagando por mais especificações. Bem, deixe-me apenas dizer isso. Os dispositivos Android DEVEM ter especificações melhores do que o iPhone para executar de forma semelhante ao iPhone em testes de benchmark. Isso ocorre porque o sistema operacional Android é um sistema operacional com mais energia que o iOS. Então, basicamente, esses dispositivos Android devem ter essas especificações adicionadas para competir. Se você já tentou um dispositivo Android com as mesmas especificações que um iDevice, você veria o que estou falando. Não há nenhum motivo para pagar para aguentar o bloatware apenas porque a Samsung precisa gastar mais em peças para fazer seus dispositivos funcionarem de forma semelhante ao iPhone. A Samsung está pagando dinheiro extra para fazer dispositivos mais caros porque eles não querem gastar o dinheiro para desenvolver seu próprio sistema operacional a partir do zero, com menos energia com fome. E Tizen não é do zero it8217s com base no Android. Se você for com mais poder de sistema operacional com fome, você deve alimentar as especificações melhores para executar isso. O IOS é terrível. Você claramente nunca possuiu um iDevice ou você não teria feito esse comentário. Permita-me quebrar todas as vantagens que o iOS tenha feito no Android. Segurança, privacidade, qualidade de jogos de aplicativos e estabilidade de desempenho. O iOS obtém muito menos malware do que o Android e, enquanto 75 dos iDevices estão no iOS 9, enquanto cerca de metade dos usuários do Android estão no KitKat ou versões mais antigas do Android com menos de 10 usuários do Android no Android. 6. Qualidade de aplicativos e jogos também são melhores No iOS porque os desenvolvedores desenvolvem os jogos de aplicativos no iOS e depois os transferem para o Android. A razão pela qual isso não é apenas porque os desenvolvedores preferem usar o C em Java, mas também porque 75 de seus rendimentos provêm do iOS, que inúmeros artigos apontam ambos os fatos. Também há mais 85 erros em dispositivos Android do que dispositivos iOS. Os dispositivos Android congelam mais, bloqueiam mais e reiniciam mais do que iDevices. As vantagens que o Android afirma que o Android tem nos iOS são as mesmas razões pelas quais eles escolhem o Android sobre o iOS para começar e that8217s porque a maioria dos que compram dispositivos Android pode pagar um iPhone. Por exemplo, o Android pode instalar jogos de aplicativos rachados sem necessidade de jailbreak ou root. Tudo isso significa que os usuários do Android podem se dar ao luxo de comprar jogos de aplicativos para que eles carregem os jogos de aplicativos quebrados e depois se perguntem por que eles acabam com malware em seu dispositivo. A segunda desculpa é que os dispositivos Android possuem cartões SD. Diga-me uma instância em que você poderia pegar um telefone Android de 32 GB e também preencher um cartão SD de 256 GB com jogos de aplicativos. Isso não ocorre porque metade desses dados permanece no interno. It8217s realmente melhor ter um dispositivo de 128 GB que um dispositivo de 32 GB com um cartão 256 SD. O fato é que as pessoas tendem a comprar o Android porque podem pagar um iPhone. Apenas alguns poucos estão dispostos a pagar os preços do iPhone para o Android, por isso a Samsung está sofrendo 3 anos consecutivos de lucros decrescentes. Se as pessoas geralmente escolheram o Android para qualquer outra coisa que não o custo, o Android teria uma margem de lucro maior do que o iPhone, não apenas uma base de usuários mais alta, mas não. Como 99,99 dos usuários do Android compram o Android para o custo e fazem desculpas para justificar possuir um smartphone 200 em um 650. Também pergunte ao FBI que é melhor proteger a privacidade de um iPhone ou um telefone Android, embora o Android seja 85 do mercado, os iPhones são sempre o foco porque os dispositivos Android são muito mais fáceis de entrar. Você não tinha fatos, apenas sua sensação de que as pessoas só compram telefones celulares porque eles são supostamente mais baratos. E seus comentários consideram um mal-entendido fundamental sobre como o Android recebe atualizações. Os usuários do IOS precisam esperar por grandes atualizações, enquanto o Android obtém atualizações frequentes através dos Serviços Play. Enquanto isso, o iOS era o sistema operacional móvel com as mais vulnerabilidades em 2015, com quase 3x como o Android. Patético. A única parte verdadeira do seu comentário foi a parte dos desenvolvedores. O resto é bollocks puro e não suportado. Qualquer pessoa que use 822099.99 de (substantivo) (verbo) porque (conclusão desonesta) 8221 está falando diretamente de seu traseiro. Primeiro, há muitos fatos para apoiar as pessoas apenas compram Android, porque eles são mais baratos. Você pode olhar para o preço médio que as pessoas pagam por um dispositivo Android 250 em comparação com o que a pessoa média paga por um iPhone 600. Você pode olhar lucros para smartphones, onde o iPhone compõe 94 de todos os lucros globais. Inferior, a maioria dos usuários do Android, don8217t, até conhecem a marca do telefone, eles têm apenas a empresa que o faz. Posso também salientar que a maioria dos usuários de Android que possuem telefones celulares com orçamento, tendem a deixar o Android para iPhone no momento em que estão atualizando para um dispositivo emblemático, este é um fato comprovado também. Em segundo lugar, you8217re atualizações de serviços confusas com as atuais atualizações do sistema operacional. A atualização do Google Play Store não conta como uma atualização do sistema operacional. Tanto o Android quanto o iOS recebem uma atualização importante a cada ano. Isso acontece apenas 10 dos usuários do Android para ver essa atualização importante antes do próximo grande é lançado enquanto 75-80 dos usuários do iOS acabam no mais novo sistema operacional. Também o Google começou mensalmente as atualizações de correção de erros, que também não são uma atualização importante, depois que a Apple já fez isso há anos com o iPhone. Enquanto o iOS tinha mais vulnerabilidades do que o Android, o Android tinha problemas muito mais críticos. Vulnerabilidades críticas são o que são usados ​​por hackers. Vulnerabilidades críticas e malwares são os maiores problemas de segurança e qualquer pesquisador de segurança poderia dizer o mesmo. Mas eu não entendo que nenhuma dessas coisas favorece seu argumento e que você teve que se precipitar em todos os artigos ruins contra o Android e procurar algo que favorece o Android. Também posso mostrar que as próprias pessoas do Google8217s disseram que o Android não foi projetado para ser seguro. E ainda é válido hoje que os dispositivos Android ainda são muito mais fáceis de cortar do que os iPhones. O fato é que eu sei mais sobre o Android e o iOS do que você. Isso é realmente triste. You8217re um usuário de Android, mas eu sei mais sobre o Android do que você. Eu até sei como raiz do Android, e flash Android. Aposto que você não tem idéia de como fazer qualquer uma dessas coisas. Quando foi a última vez que a Google Play Store foi pirateada e mais de 85 aplicativos principais foram infectados com malware, porque a resposta nunca é. Apple can8217t dizer isso. 21 de setembro de 20158230 E este tópico está falando sobre o dispositivo principal da Samsung, e não um Android pré-pago 200. Samsung. A empresa que faz metade dos componentes internos do seu amado IPhone porque a Apple não é senão uma empresa de design de marketing muito eficaz. Let8217s também dissipam essa coisa de segurança. O iPhone 6 foi encerrado dentro de 48 horas após o lançamento. O Samsung S5. 5 Ainda não teve acesso ao nível de raiz violado sem tropeçar o Knox. Atualmente, há uma recompensa 50,000 não reclamada no x-dev para quem pode fazer isso. O nível de segurança em um carro-chefe da Samsung é o mesmo que o iPhone. Pensar de outra forma é puro fanboy. Deixe-me entender isso em frente neste incidente, onde 85 aplicativos totais foram infectados é pior do que o Android, que faz 90 de todos os malwares móveis. Isso diminui mais. Isso em um incidente e envolve desenvolvedores legais usando uma ferramenta de terceiros desonesto porque o oficial era muito lento para baixar. Então, basicamente, esses aplicativos eram normalmente aplicativos legíveis por desenvolvedores confiáveis. O Android obtém 20 a 40 aplicações rogues por mês na Play Store. Não são aplicativos legítimos que ficaram comprometidos, aplicativos rogues puros que são permitidos devido ao Google8217s Aprovar todas as políticas. Agora, diga-me o que é 8217 pior 85 aplicativos legítimos infectados que são limpos e voltam ao normal ou têm aplicativos desonesto que continuam sendo divulgados e o Google continua a aprová-los. É por isso que o Android compõe 90 de todos os malwares móveis, mesmo se você incluir esse incidente de 85 aplicativos. O próprio Google recentemente tirou recentemente 40 aplicativos desonesto e antes disso outros 20. Então, isso é exatamente 60 e nenhum dos aplicativos legítimos ficou comprometido. Quanto ao seu argumento de segurança. O Android sempre foi mais difícil de raiz do que o iOS foi ao jailbreak, isso é um conhecimento comum. It8217s também conhecimentos comuns do que o Android é muito mais fácil de cortar do que o iOS é. Então, usando o rooting vs jailbreak para determinar a segurança não funciona realmente. Especialmente desde o Android é mais vulnerável da caixa do que o iOS é. Você don8217t precisa mesmo de raizar o Android para cortá-lo. Então, rooteando também não é necessário. Por favor. A segurança Knox é superior ao iOS. It8217s por que os dispositivos Samsung Knox foram o segundo (por trás do BlackBerry) para serem aprovados para uso do Departamento de Defesa e do Departamento de Justiça. Você usa o estoque de Android como seu stick de medição. I8217m falando sobre Samsung e Knox. Knox gt iOS Em segundo lugar, o Google NÃO possui uma política de all8221 aprovada por 8220. Isso é bastante errado. It8217s é uma plataforma de desenvolvimento aberto, mas as aplicações na Play Store são examinadas quanto a vírus, malware e spyware antes de serem lançados. Quando você fala sobre 90, primeiro, isso não é verdade. It8217s é muito menor. E você está tomando Android e globalmente, onde o Android tem uma participação de mercado muito maior, então, obviamente, terá mais incidentes. Especialmente com empresas como Heuiwei ganhando participação no mercado. Mas a Samsung bloqueia isso com o Knox. Nós sabemos que você deseja desligar o tópico do iOS vs Android e se concentrar no Knox vs iOS porque o Android vs iOS doesn8217t favorece seu lado. Knox isn8217t um sistema operacional para que você possa realmente compará-lo com um sistema operacional. Também, apenas porque o Departamento de Defesa aprova, não o torna mais seguro. Você verá muito mais congressistas com iPhones do que com telefones Knox. Hmmm, por que isso também é, se os telefones Knox são muito mais seguros, quando ocorrem criptografia e batalhas de segurança, eles nunca mencionaram que o Android tem um mercado de mercado global maior. Se o Knox fosse mais seguro que o iOS, o Android e o Knox seriam atacados por O governo do que o iOS direito. Por que não é necessário que o Google8217s explore os vírus não é diferente do que a Apple ter que aprovar todas as aplicações que entram na AppStore, a diferença é muito mais aplicativos de malware torná-lo na Play Store, mesmo agora do que a AppStore para que a eficácia Do Google8217s suposto AV é questionável. As for your talk about malware itself. If you only focus on US, then you can remove the 85 infected iOS apps from your argument because that affected only Chinese Android users. LMFAO about the congressmen comment Those guys are biggest technical morons on the planet. I8217m talking DoD and DoJ and you bring up an 80 year old representation from Podunk as your measuring stick You brought up why anyone would anyone pay a premium Android when they could get an iPhone in the middle of a Samsung discussion. My bad. I thought you wanted an answer. I fully understand why you8217d want to steer away from Knox and focus on the great, unwashed Android masses. But the fact remains that Knox is integrated in to the OS in Samsung flagship devices. Knox is more secure than iOS. Período. Samsung8217s hardware is better, the OS is more dynamic and Knox makes it more secure. You can toss Android vs iOS babble around all you want. But Samsung is at the forefront of technical innovation right now. Apple makes a nice phone, no doubt. But that superiority complex of yours is wholly unwarranted. If you had watched the congress hearing over security, you wouldn8217t have made the comment about the DoD and DoJ vs congressmen. A lot of congressmen have worked in the tech field before becoming congressmen, they have far more expertise in tech security than the DoJ and DoD. Matter of fact if you look at most attacks on tech security the DoD and DoJ pay someone else to do the attacks for them, they don8217t do them themselves. Hell they can8217t even figure out how to open an iPhone 5c without Apple8217s help. They know almost nothing about tech security when it comes to using it to protect the people or finding information, they pay hackers or try to force the companies themselves to do it instead. Samsung hardware is again only better because Android is a slower OS, it8217s been proven time and again. But keep trying to convince yourself that specs matter more than actual performance. In the end you will need to have someone who knows how to do tech attacks not hire others to do it for them, when you8217re gonna use them as judge of what is secure and what isn8217t. If they can8217t destroy security on mobile devices themselves, they8217re the last people I would use their opinion when it comes to what is secure. Ahhhaaaaahaha Yes. Congress is chock full of tech geniuses. Keep telling yourself that. And what does hacking ability have to do with security standards The NSA advises the DoD on security standards and helps set them. They adopted Knox before iOS because of how secure Knox is. That was the point. Jeez. Try to keep up. 8220Let me break down all the advantages iOS has over Android. Security, Privacy, Quality of Apps Games and performance stability.8221 Maybe on Android devices in general, but not vs Samsung. Samsung is more secure with Knox. The Knox container gives you absolute privacy. Quality of apps Maybe at one time and in some niche markets like music development. However, companies no longer develop strictly for iOS or even exclusively target iOS. The majority of people own Android devices. The app developers spend just as much time in on Android as iOS. We8217ve already covered performance. Apple is playing catch up and has been since the iPhone 4S. The only thing you can hang your hat on is profitability. That because iSheep will flock to anything with that half eaten fruit on it. Look at the Apple watch. Crap battery life, not water resistant, ugly as hell yet sells millions. But hey, it looks great with your Uggs and half caff latte8230 Like I said it8217s obvious you didn8217t watch hearing. You also didn8217t read about how the DoD DoJ paid for a DDoS attack on Tor. You don8217t follow along with anything. The NSA also couldn8217t break into the iPhone 5c. So much for their standards too. Did it ever occur to you they want people with Android in general because it8217s easier to break into and they know most will associate Knox with Android Of course not. But the fact is the government seems to think the iPhone is more secure than ANY android device, since it8217s mentioned more than Knox and Android when it comes to encryption and security, and you can8217t dispute it because it8217s a fact. So many articles back it up. You also need to go back to benchmarks when looking at performance. The iPhone 6s blew away the S6 in overall benchmarks, the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s beat the S6 in gaming benchmarks and the iPhone 5s, 6 and iPhone 6s beat the S6 in browsing benchmarks. So tell me where is this actual performance advantage of Android devices you speak of It8217s not showing in benchmark tests, it8217s not showing in stability tests either. So what standard do you use to judge performance Personal opinion you wish to take as fact I8217m glad you have such in depth knowledge of my background. I followed the Silk Road case with that nut DPR. And what those guys S waist6 the FBI and NSA did was nothing short of amazing. Of course it required luck and a great deal of time. But tracking a guy down who was using such great measures to conceal himself is amazing. It also has absolutely NOTHING to do with what we8217re talking about. Those same guys eventually recommended approval of iOS. We8217re they still incompetent Of course not. The reason criminals prefer iOS is that most criminals are stupid. So they choose Apple devices because they8217re aware of the PERCEIVED security advantage. So more criminals use iOS. Congratulations The fact that they aren8217t aware of Knox doesn8217t make Knox less secure. You8217re equating popularity with better. The Honda Accord is the most stolen car in the US. So it8217s the best, right No. It8217s just the most popular. I8217ll let the Geekbench test tell they performance tale First off it8217s funny how you wouldn8217t show how the S6 did compared to the 6s because you know the 6s is faster you instead went to the Note 5 which is newer than the 6s. Didn8217t like the result the Galaxy S6 had did you As for security. The FBI case vs Apple and this on going fight for encryption has went on since 2014 and Android is always a side note, you rarely hear Knox mentioned in any of that either. When it comes to encryption and security even the government ALL branches mention iOS more than Knox and Android. You hate that I know. So you8217re gonna make excuses to justify it. The reality is whether Knox is more secure than iOS for the people or not doesn8217t matter if the government itself has a way through it. Sounds to me like Samsung gave the government the ability to disable Knox. Be happy that Android companies are more willing to make their devices more vulnerable for the government thus also making them more vulnerable to hackers and other governments. Why would I show the S6 vs the 6S The Note and the 6S are on the same release cycle. If you really want to be unfair we could show the S7 vs the 6S. So wait, you8217re saying that Samsung gave the government a side door in to Knox. LMAO Don8217t hurt your self making those ridiculous leaps in 8220logic8221 Full release Knox has never been breached. Ever. You can connect whatever ludicrous dots you see under your tin hat, but Knox is Enterprise software. Samsung is never going to open a back door in business software. So now we go all the way back to your idiotic initial assertion question about why anyone would buy an Android, specifically a Samsung, when they could buy an iPhone. Simples. It8217s easily just as good if not better in almost every appreciable way. Better screen, better battery life, better camera, expandable memory, water resistant. That8217s why. First off both the S6 and 6s were released in 2015 so they are in fair comparison. Matter of fact the comparison should be the S6 vs 6s and the Note 5 vs 6s Plus but you don8217t want to compare the S6 vs the 6s because you know the S6 got smoked by the 6s in benchmarks. That is the only reason you don8217t want to compare the 2. Admit it you looked up benchmarks, saw the 6s beat the S6 and then saw the Note 5 beat the iPhone 6s and chose to use the Note 5 instead. Just admit it. All I have to do is continue stating the fact that almost no one mentioned Knox when talking about security when it comes to security researchers or the government. It8217s always about iPhones. There are far more Android phones out there and I8217m sure there8217s plenty of Galaxies that the government have gotten ahold of, but seems like only the iPhones are they having issues with. Why is that My very first post never once said why would anyone buy Android, I asked why would anyone pay the same for bloatware as they would for an iPhone that doesn8217t. There are Android devices that don8217t come with bloatware with as good or better features specs as the S7. So why choose the S7 over another Android device of same specs features but less or no bloatware Because of the Samsung name right Makes it worth putting up with that bloatware. The iPhone 6S and the Note5 were released within a month of each other. The Note5 and the S6 have the same processor. The only major difference is the RAM. I don8217t need to look up this stuff. I work in the industry and know it like the back of my hand. You sound like a child babbling on about 8220admit it8221 The point is that Samsung makes hardware and software every bit as capable as the iPhone. You make pompous claims about peerless security and are shown wrong. Now you8217re bringing up some ridiculous anecdotal crap about who talks the most about which device as if that somehow correlates in to something significant. If iOS is so secure, how come Samsung was approved before it The answer is that Knox is every bit as secure. The fact that your imaginary experts aren8217t talking about it (what does that even mean, anyway ) is totally irrelevant. But your original statement about bloatware is still just as douchy and stupid as the rest of your arguments. If you buy a carrier iPhone, it has the carrier bloat on it. Same with Samsung, HTC, LG, etc. If you buy the unlocked version of the S6, it8217s just as bloat free as the non carrier version of the iPhone. Keep making up excuses that the S6 with better specs got destroyed in benchmarks by the iPhone 6s. What8217s you8217re excuse it lost to the iPhone 6 in gaming benchmarks since it is newer than the iPhone 6 And please share your justification as to why the S6 is slower on browsing benchmarks to the iPhone 5s which is even older Also the fact the iPhone is mentioned more and been proven to cause the government more issues to break into trumps any claims by the DoD that Knox is more secure. The government has never been frustrated getting into an Android device whether it be an Galaxy with Knox or just Android itself. Let me know when the government8217s actions with Knox match their claims. Oh but the iPhone doesn8217t come with carrier bloatware. The fact you think it does shows you have never owned an iPhone. I bought my iPhone from Sprint itself, not one piece of carrierware was on it. This is what I mean about Android users, they have never owned an iDevice yet for some reason they think they can judge iOS based on their zero knowledge of iOS. Here8217s facts for you based on a guy who has had both iOS and Android and from others who have actually had both not just claim it. iOS is a faster OS, that8217s not even disputable. The proof that the 6s with less specs killed the S6 in benchmarks shows that. Android is less stable. Android phones freezes, slowdown and reboot more often than iPhones (there8217s even stats to back that up too). The quality of apps games on iOS are also superior to the Android versions (developers care more about iOS than Android thus build their apps games on iOS and port them to Android). These are actual facts. Matter of fact most iPhone users who switch to Android, don8217t stay with Android because of those things I just mentioned. But I rarely see someone who has left Android for iOS go back to Android. Plus if iOS users really want Android features and openness we can just jailbreak, which for the record has better tweaks than what rooted Android offers. Also still more secure than most Android devices as well. I personally don8217t need the openness of Android since I don8217t mind spending money on apps games. I am waiting for some form of physical proof by security researchers or the government to show Knox is stronger than iOS not just a claim with no actual evidence. Oye. You8217re exhaustively simple minded. The S6 does not get destroyed by the 6S. The link I posted shows the Note5 result on par with the 6S. That8217s the same processor in the Note5 as the S6. So I8217m not sure where you see this 8220destroyed8221 thing. Unless you8217re eating up the Boy Genius slop. Then that would explain a bunch. BTW, that same link shows the S7 processor mauling the 6S. THAT is what destruction looks like. The fact that Apple is currently involved with a high profile battle with the FBI has zero to do with the level of security in a Samsung. They both use AES 256-bit ODE encryption, so how is Apple more secure I8217m guilty as charged. The last iPhone I owned was the iPhone 4. Company paid so I used it. I thought for SURE it had carrier crap on it. But apparently I8217m wrong. That also has nothing to do with your claim that the iPhone is better. Carrier subsidized Samsung has carrier bloat that8217s easily removed. The unlocked version has none of it. I also showed you actual Geekbench 3 results. Not some blowhard opinion, but actual results. Where is this superiority you speak of Stability Try again. Here8217s the actual facts from the last conclusive tests: 8220Apparently, iOS 8 crashes slightly more often than Lollipop, having a 2.2 crash rate compared to Android 5s 2.0 rate. iOS 8 also loses when compared to the previous release (iOS 7 had a 1.9 crash rate), while Lollipop beats bot KitKat and Ice Cream Sandwich, each having 2.6 crash rates.8221 That8217s from BGR, a notorious Apple fanboy site8230 So there8217s your actual facts. Not innuendo, not suppositions, but actual facts. Sorry. You lose. Samsung is every bit as capable as iPhone. And you don8217t have to have a Napoleon complex to own one. Again you can8217t find hard evidence to state your case that Knox is more secure outside of XDA bounty and a claim from the DoD. Even though the phones that the FBI are having a hard time breaking into are not Galaxy phones. Also the fact the XDA bounty was only 50,000 compared to the iOS one that was a million bounty should tell you the security level difference. 50,000 Knox bounty, 1,000,000 iOS bounty 8230 hmmm. Weird this says Android devices make up for 85 of all smartphone crashes and it8217s from this year. bgr 2016 02 23 iphone-vs-android-reliability-failure-rates Don8217t know if you hate Android or what but here are my thoughts and I8217m sure some Android users would agree on. Price is a huge factor if I can get 80-90 of the functionality of a flagship phone for half the price82308230why not Pretty easy decision for those looking for maximum value. Don8217t get me wrong, I don8217t hate Apple. I own an iPad air 2. Why Because it was cheaper. The only other comparable Android tablet of the same size at the time was the xperia z tablets and it was like 5-600. So yeah price is a huge factor especially since the functionality is pretty much the same between the two OS. A lot of the Android fans probably have not used ios devices in past few years. I know ios has improved a lot because I own a device, but ios was pretty bad until like ios 7 (could be 6, can8217t remember). Prior to that the OS multitasking wasn8217t even a thing on ios so Android was seen as the more powerful OS. Now they8217re pretty even in terms of software capabilities. Now for a phone I chose Android. If I could get a device that was cheaper and provide a more fun experience, why not I say more fun because I personally love how I can tweak much more than ios. Even small things like animations. I can also customize it much more. Make it more personal. The only way iphones look personalized is the case(if you use one) and the wallpapers. With Android you can customize much more: launchers, widgets, Roms, app drawer, etc. Oh and you can change the ROM. Sometimes you get bored, flash a new ROM and the fun starts all over again. Customization doesn8217t end in software. There are hundreds or thousands of Android phones for you to choose from. Each with their own design and hardware. You don8217t have to choose from two sizes. It8217s a sacrifice that8217s worth making for many of us. More security issues or what not. Google is providing monthly security updates now and Samsung has knox(not sure how effective it is). I personally havent had any issues. OS updates are an issue. Some manufacturers may start to move to off contract, off carrier sales like moto and roll out faster updates8230..hopefully. Having updates to go through carriers is such pain. I also agree on the bloatware issue. I personally go for the near stock phones like moto, nexus, or flash cyanogen. Also they8217re huge. Dangerous. 94 of market profit Their moves can have massive impact in tech industry. I don8217t like that. One call from Tim Cook and I would need to use an adapter to plug in my 3.5mm headphones for the 7. If they make that move I will hate them forever companies will follow because of their massive influence. I actually don8217t have an issue with Android itself. Matter of fact my initial post was more a question about just one smartphone. I actually had an Android phone before I had an iPhone. I had a Motorola Cliq which came out before the first Droid phone. The reason I left Android is because I could not see a reason to pay a premium price to get less performance. My iPod Touch 2G got more updates than my Cliq even though it was older. Games ran smoother on my iPod Touch than my Cliq as well. There8217s just something wrong when an older device runs better and does better with games than a newer device. I actually got a Kindle Fire 5G, and it8217s so much slower than my iPhone 6 Plus, I actually haven8217t used it in over a month. As for profit. Android companies have themselves to blame for this. They try to put their flagship devices in a price range most Android users just aren8217t willing to pay. And flagship devices are where companies make their money. Samsung could double their smartphone profits by selling their S7 for 450 as it would not only get some budget users to choose their flagship instead but also may get some iPhone users to go with Android to save money. But Samsung is determined to sell Android at iPhone prices, and it8217s just not gonna work. As for the headphones thing. I don8217t mind needing an adapter for my Bose headphones IF it means better quality internal speakers. And rumor is they will use that extra space to add another speaker so that might be a good compromise. So your two points of reference in comparing the Apple and Android ecosystems are a phone from 6 years ago before Android even began to become popular and a recent Android tablet that you8217re comparing to an apple product that cost about six times as much And now your premise is that the galaxy s7 and edge offer less performance than the iPhone offerings Your original question was fine and the answer is because the other features of the phone outweigh the negative of the bloatware for the people who choose to purchase it. I hate Touchwiz but this offering from Samsung ticked enough other boxes that I chose to buy it despite that. I think that the premise that Android flagship phones offer less performance than iPhones is false. I can understand why people would value some features more than others and in that regard, that is no wrong choice but to argue that performance is flat out worse in all aspects just seems incredibly closed-minded. If you don8217t believe me about performance. Look at how the iPhone 6 did against the S6 in gaming benchmarks. The S6 is newer than the iPhone 6 yet it got smoked on gaming benchmarks. Also The S6 lost to the 6s in normal benchmarks. And even the iPhone 5s beat the S6 when it came browsing benchmarks. So what do you go by to determine performance if those things don8217t I also know the iPhone 7 will beat the Galaxy S7 in benchmarks because the newest iPhone beats the Galaxy every single year. We weren8217t talking about the S6, we were talking about the S7. You8217re defining performance as one very specific area. I8217m talking about everything upon which a phone can be measured. Processor, camera, storage, OS features, other hardware features, screen size etc. And benchmarks don8217t really matter to me if the end experience is nearly identical. The camera on the S7 is better. The processor is faster. There8217s more RAM. It has removable storage. Samsung pay works with regular swipe card readers. These are all areas in which the S7 arguably surpasses the iPhone. There are other areas and considerations where the iPhone surpasses the S7 and when the new iPhone is released in many months, it will probably perform better. But right now, to claim that the current crop of iPhones perform better than the S7 in all areas is really just disingenuous. Yes, the next iPhone will probably surpass the S7 in some or most or even all of these areas but that8217s several months of tech development later and then the next iteration of the Galaxy will be several months of development after that and they continue to leapfrog each other. At this point, it doesn8217t sound like you8217re asking an honest question if you8217re incapable of believing anyone8217s response. Why are you even posting to this forum if you refuse to accept or acknowledge people8217s answers to your questions Processor and RAM only matter if it makes the phone faster and more stable. Do you realize the S5 had better specs than the iPhone 6s yet wasnt faster or as stable As for the Camera argument, Android users used to act like the camera didn8217t matter because their excuse when the iPhone camera was better is people who care about picture quality use an actual camera not a phone. Now all the sudden cameras in phones matter. When the iPhone ends up with better picture quality rest assured Android users will go back to picture quality on a camera doesn8217t matter. And I believe answers from people who have used both iOS and Android not ones who give their opinion from one side and act like Android is better cause of it. I8217ve owned both Android and iOS so I know both sides. I also follow benchmarks and all articles involving iOS, Android and Windows mobile because it8217s plain dumb to focus only on one aspect or one OS. Owning and using an Android phone from 6 years ago and a tablet that you compare to another device that costs over 6 times as much doesn8217t sound like knowing both sides very well. But that aside, in a discussion about the Galaxy S7, a new device, why do you insist on talking about other devices that are one or two generations old You8217re talking and asking about the S7 but continually keep bringing up the S5 and S6 as examples of phones that weren8217t as good. They probably weren8217t. The S6 was a step down as far as I8217m concerned and Touchwiz on the S5 lagged terribly which is why I wasn8217t interested in them. The S7 from all reviews doesn8217t seem to have any of those problems, brought back the features from the S5 that were removed, improved on them and added several new ones. And you don8217t believe that there8217s a single feature on the S7 that is better than the iPhones currently available SD card Samsung pay Several other people do and they8217ve explained as such. If you simply don8217t believe them then there8217s no further reason to continue. You8217re not going to convince them and you seem unable to accept that this might be a device that performs better in some, or even many aspects that an iPhone that8217s six months old. Personally, I believe that the camera is not only better but much better. Several review sites put the cameras on the current crop of flagship Android phones at or above the camera on the iPhone 6. The S6 edge is pretty consistently rated at or above the iPhone 6s and the camera on the S7 looks way better. Samsung has a pretty good history making some of the best cameras available on phones and the includes iPhones. Maybe the next iPhone will have an even better camera. It8217s entirely possible. But I8217m willing to bet that the camera on the S7 is better, particularly in low light, than that of the iPhone 6s. As far as cameras not mattering, there8217s a saying among photographers: 8220The best camera to use is the one that8217s with you.8221 At this point, camera phones outperform point and shoots until you start getting to the 400 price point. Yes, I would obviously rather have my SLR with a prime lens of the appropriate focal length attached to take a picture, but it8217s far more likely that I8217ll have my phone when any given photo opportunity arises. This has been true for years and will likely continue to be true. Anyone who says or said differently is wrong. I actually have a Kindle Fire as well. But you know the odd thing is most on here while they tell me I should try Android now to compare, they have never once owned an iDevice. So they8217re basically telling iPhone users to try Android without willingness to try iOS, kinda defeats the purpose don8217t you agree Plus I have mentioned in one of my posts my sis owned an S5 and yes I have used it, it is far slower than my iPhone 6 Plus is especially when it comes to how it handles data in areas of weak coverage. I never said that the S7 didn8217t have better features than the iPhones currently out. I8217m not sure how you can say Samsung Pay is better than Apple Pay though seeing as Apple Pay is more secure than Samsung Pay is. It8217s also more widely used than Samsung Pay is. SD Card I have brought up on multiple occasions that it would be useful IF you could install apps games directly to the SD Card. I also know Android 6 allows for this but Samsung decided not to allow that feature in the S7. I honestly think the G series by LG are the best Android phones, Samsung is just an overhyped brand that never actually does as it8217s expected compared to other top Android flagship brands. BTW LG G5 does allow for install on SD card and I will definately take a long hard look over it when it8217s time to upgrade. I almost got a G3 instead of my iPhone 6 Plus. It was a real fight for me on that. What made me end up choosing the iPhone over the G3 was design and the fact I don8217t want to risk plopping down 600 for a smartphone that may or may not getting 2 years of updates. And yes photographers say that but Android users only took that seriously when some Android phones surpassed the iPhone in quality. That said while the S6 did have better picture quality than the iPhone 6s is wasn8217t THAT much better that you could say this is so much better. Tests have shown in general that the G series actually takes the best pictures. No Samsung fanboy wants to go into that conversation though. Also if you haven8217t noticed most photographers still use iPhones as their phone of choice for pictures. iPhones are the perferred smartphone of professionals whether it be doctors, photographers or even businesses. Hell Donald Trump tells people to boycott Apple products but he still tweets with an iPhone. Hell some people at Samsung have tweeted on an iPhone as well as a head of Microsoft and someone at BlackBerry. Makes you wonder if they really believe their own products are as good as the iPhone if they8217re using the iPhone instead of their own phones they create to tweet with. The Kindle Fire is the tablet that I referenced where you compared it to an iPhone 6. I don8217t know why you insist on arguing what other Android users have said in the past. It not really relevant to what either I8217m saying now or your original questions. I do agree that it8217s hypocritical to say that one side should try the other without being willing to do so onesself but that8217s a straw man and irrelevant to boot. And again with the previous generation of Galaxy phones 8211 who cares, they had their issues but the S7 is a different model. It8217d be like me going on about the antennae issues on a previous generation of iPhone. It8217s irrelevant. But since you seem to care, I owned a 3rd generation iPod nano and my mom has an iPhone 6s that I provide tech support for so I guess I can say I8217ve experience on both sides. There isn8217t much left to say but one thing to note about the SD on the S7 is that even though it8217s not adaptable storage, you can move apps or at least part of the apps to the SD card. That8217s a pleasant surprise for me though I was happy with the SD just for picture and video. LG does take great pictures and it8217s really subjective on whether any given LG camera is better than a corresponding Samsung camera. They each have situations where they8217ll take a better picture over the other so it8217s really up to personal preference. I8217m optimistic that the F1.7 lens combined with the larger pixels on the S7 sensor will take better low light pictures without flash which is something I tend to value more than other aspects. Its why I primarily shoot with a 50 1.4 fixed lens on my SLR with no flash. If someone else is looking for better resolution in sunny situations, they8217d probably be better served with a G5. And as I8217ve pointed out on many of my other comments, moving to SD card is not putting all storage on your SD Card. A Kindle Fire I can use as an example. 8 GB internal with 256 GD SD does not equal 264 GB of storage unless 90 of your SD card is used for stuff like downloaded music or videos. Matter of fact you will be lucky to get 16 GB of stuff onto that SD card before your internal is full and won8217t let you use your SD card because of it. What I8217m also saying is if you use Gaming Benchmarks or browser Benchmarks, the newer Android devices don8217t even fair well against older iPhones. The Galaxy S6 couldn8217t even beat out the iPhone 6 in gaming. The Galaxy S6 couldn8217t beat out the 5s in browsing. So in some ways older iPhones can out perform newer Android devices. Another bonus to iPhones is trade in value. As for the why I insist on arguing, My very first comment was a question and someone else had to say iOS sux without giving a reason. I was merely curious as to why someone would pay 500 or more for a smartphone that has bloatware from carriers when you can buy a device that has no carrierware at the same price like an iPhone. I just don8217t understand paying for ads which is basically what youre doing. You do understand that the Samsung S6 and S7 are technically superior phones to the iPhone 6 and 6S, right Why would they undercut themselves It8217s the most popular Android device by far and not everyone wants to be led down the Apple cattle shoot. You8217re basing your Android experience on a phone that8217s more than 5 years old when Android was in its infancy. BTW, look at numbers of who is moving to which device. More new Android users are former iOS users than new iOS users are former Android users. You should look at how many former FLAGSHIP smartphone users have moved from iOS to Android and Android to iOS. Using total numbers is an excuse since most iOS users who leave for Android usually go with a budget phone because they no longer can afford a flagship one. Ask Samsung themselves because they see far more Android users leaving Galaxy for iPhone than the other way around. As for your superior argument. Do you realize Android devices have to have to have more specs to perform equally to iOS because Android is a more power hungry OS Look at benchmarks. The Galaxy S5 had more specs than the iPhone 6 yet the iPhone 6 performed better. Hell in gaming benchmarks, the iPhone 6 beat the Galaxy S6. In browsing benchmarks even the iPhone 5s beat the Galaxy S6. Don8217t know if you hate Android or what: I8217m not a hater of Android, I actually had an Android phone before my first iPhone. I just hate Android users who insult things without giving a reason why. Price is a huge factor if I can get 80-90 of the functionality of a flagship phone for half the price82308230why not. I have no issue with people choose devices based on price. I have issues with people who choose devices based on price then go after those who have more expensive devices. Also they8217re huge. Dangerous. 94 of market profit. Apple8217s influence in general is a good thing as they are pushing for security for the people. The headphone adapter I can live with if it means better sounding internal speakers like rumors are going around. Whose security is better Samsung Knox or iOS The problem with all this is Android users who use Knox tend to go strictly by rooting vs jailbreaking as the determination of security. Even though Android has always been harder to root than iOS has been to jailbreak yet Android is easier to hack than iOS, Android users still rely on jailbreaking vs rooting. Also most Android users assume that Knox and Google protect them so they don8217t use top notch AntiVirus. They assume Knox and Google do all the work. Google may scan for malware but it doesn8217t remove all malware. Knox has zero AntiVirus built into it, absolutely none. So answer your question, I would still lean toward iOS because Android users have not given any evidence Knox is more secure outside of jailbreaking and rooting for their argument with security. I don8217t see any reports that show a lower percent of Knox devices are hacked or have a lower percent of malware. Until there are actual security reports to back these claims up they8217re only claims. Of the devices I8217ve owned that were rootable, I8217ve rooted every one. Here8217s the thing: some Android devices never get root, and many more take months before a suitable exploit is found. My Droid Turbo, for example, didn8217t see root until a year after release. By contrast, new versions of iOS are jailbroken WITHIN HOURS of release. Nothing else needs to be said here. I can afford the iphone (maybe just 16 and 64 gb) but I chose not to get one because I find it boring and lacking features and i admit I personally don8217t like the hype and popularity surrounding it. Sure it8217s a great phone and very straightforward, effective, and simplistic, but I prefer android. I8217ve never dealt with security issues or malware. IMO, My s5 is way better than the iPhone 6s in terms of features. Sure the iphone beats it in certain categories, but I get sdcard, removable battery, water resistance, an amazing amoled screen, lots of little features like multiwindow, customization without having to root, widgets, and maybe more. To each his own though. S6 did away with the removable battery and the S7 continues that. Removable battery is a nice feature to have except for most people, you8217re gonna upgrade before you need a new battery so in most cases the removable battery is more a gimmick. The SD card would be useful if you could install apps games to the SD card not just move them to the SD Card. The biggest issue with the S5 is how it handle data in areas with spotty service. My sis has an S5 and we went on a trip together to a place where our service just isn8217t good. We both have Sprint. Anyways my iPhone 6 Plus had signal far more often than she did. She actually kept asking me to look things up because her phone always had no LTE or even 3G, it was out of service most of the time. You compleyely ignore the fact that you can put hundreds of gigs of media on multiple SD cards and swap them out. You can carry a terabyte on just 5 cards. Can8217t do that with an iPhone. Because that excuse doesn8217t work anymore. Most people now stream music and movies thus making the media SD Card argument a moot point. You8217re prolly one of those guys who illegally downloads things and stores it onto an SD Card because you either can8217t afford to pay for anything or are too cheap to pay for anything. I don8217t believe that at all. I don8217t know anyone who streams movies on their data plan. Not at 15 a gig once you go over your cap. Hahaha did you just make up those number off the top of your head Like you know there are EXACTLY 85 more bugs in Android devices That sounds like terrorist-protector Cook saying that so many iphones are being bought by people switching from Android yet somehow Apple iphone shipments declined the last quarter and Android still has a commanding market share. Something doesn8217t add up, Mr. Cook. Keep saying that Android users can8217t afford iphones. It won8217t make your small dick any bigger. While Android caters to all price levels, there are plenty of Android users who pay just as much for their flagship Samsungs, LG8217s, HTC8217s, Sony8217s, Motorola8217s, etc. I wouldn8217t use that toy OS if I was given an iphone for free. I8217m glad Apple finally figured out that if I opened up a link from an email that I might want to go back to the email app after reading the link without having to double tap the home button and switch back to it. Who thought it was a great idea to have the back button in Safari on the bottom but on the top of virtually every other system app setting Thank god Android has a back button. Anyway, go back to your elite phone that only 15 of people can afford. Maybe one day you8217ll be as elite as Windows Phone and be part of the 1. Well if you actually looked things up you would know my numbers may be a percent or so off but they are facts. The fact you commented without looking says everything. That8217s the issue with Android users, they respond without looking anything up. I find it odd that you KNOW Robert didn8217t look up any of your 8220facts8221. Perhaps he did, and he could not substantiate them (it appears he replied 2 hours after your comment8230so8230) I just started with googling 8220android bugs to ios 8221 and the first 5 hits are all about how ios9 could be pushing iphone users to android because it8217s so buggy. I admit, I skimmed the articles because I am just looking for some references to the bug you stated. And, I have not yet changed my search criteria, but I am still looking. You could make it easier by perhaps posting the sources. I8217d be interested to read them, especially on the bug count, of course. Android accounts for 85 of all device failures. Thanks, I8217ll have to download the Blannco report, because BGRs coverage is missing some details. Others citing the report lead with the fact that 75 of the issues are not actual hardware or software problems, but user issues (such as apps running in the background, batteries damaged from unnecessary charging, etc). PC Mag cites 8220The Blancco study analyzed an unknown number of smartphones and tablets that underwent diagnostics testing on the SmartChk platform.8221 but another article cites 8220millions8221. Both troubling if Blannco did not break down the study group. Questions arise such as, how many devices were tested (was it indeed 8220millions8221 or at least significant), was the study group balanced, or did it reflect market share, etc. I8217m also having trouble finding the app itself on google play (it was on itunes), so I8217m not sure how they are getting their android stats unless certain carriers are using the app in store for diagnostics. Their own site does show it does offer their service on both Android and iOS. But they don8217t list a download link on the site for either. So I8217m not sure if you have to have them do the diagnostic test which if that is the case, I can see carriers using on returned phones that need repairs. I can also see it used by services like Gazelle who buy them used then resell them. It doesn8217t sound like they go back actual users opinions. Which is good because users themselves actually complain about smallest things. iOS users for instance will complain merely about a change even if it has zero affect on performance. If it8217s something they don8217t like they complain. They have a right to though because they spent 600 or more on their smartphone. When you spend that kinda money you expect more for your money than someone who spends 200. Do you know one of the biggest reasons those who switch from Android to iOS miss most Quality of Apps and Games. They love the features of Android but they tend to have a hard time looking past the apps games thing. The second thing I hear mentioned is the performance like how frequently their Android device freezes compared to how often their iPhone did. Ok, got the report, and it does not include any more information that would address concerns with their survey. They do not cite how the survey group is broken down, how or if the survey size was normalized for market or user share (the data came from their SmartChk app). They mention the study group was gathered from millions of devices, but again, no breakdown or grouping details. They state that 75 of all issues are user issues (not the actual device or software), yet they do not state whether their claim of 85 android 15 iOs represents the remaining 25 that could be categorized as real issues. (Their approach on this study appears to be a sales piece, so you can see the correlations to how they would pitch their product) They even give suggestions on resolving some of the top issues, such as battery 8220over-charging8221: Quote 8211 8220Stop over-charging the battery. Users tend to excessively charge smartphones and tablets more than necessary. This tends to reduce the batterys shelf life. Users must remember that the battery is designed to work for 500 full charging cycles (full charging cycle means it has charged from zero percent to 100 percent). Instead, a device should only be charged if there is 25 percent battery power left on it.8221 Their suggestion is not relevant to the problem because if you only use say 10 of your battery each day, you do not use a full charging cycle for 10 days (assuming lithium based batteries, of course). Needless to say, I would question the validity of their survey without some responses to these call outs. I don8217t need to look it up because I can spot BS when I read it. Why waste my time looking up something that doesn8217t exist. I8217ve already wasted enough time replying to your ignorant post. Since you were the one who made the claim, it8217s your responsibility to supply your reference or just admit you made it up. Breaking news 8212 Apple and Tim Cook protect 100 more terrorists than Google. Look it up I read it on the internet so it must be true. The fact you wouldn8217t bother looking it up says everything. You are a typical Android user purely opinionated with no facts and no willingness to look things up before commenting. Also I guess you weren8217t aware of Google backing Apple in this FBI vs Apple case. So I guess they support terrorism just as much as Apple they just don8217t know how to make an OS as secure as iOS. You8217re prolly also not aware that Samsung spoke out about it too and sides with Apple. Wow everyone supports Apple except the people who don8217t follow along and just form an opinion instantly. It8217s all these others who stated facts on here about Android, I didn8217t force them to confirm it, I looked up what they said to validate it. You won8217t because you want to believe what you want and even I did post the link you would say it was a lie because you want to believe your own way which has been obvious. Seriously dude, there8217s no point in looking up your numbers because they are all made up in that fantasy that takes place in your brain. Just like all those numbers that you spout out on every Android article on Softpedia. I don8217t know how you have time to even use your easily hackable iphone with all the time you spend trolling Android news sites. Do you seriously think I8217m going to take anything you say seriously when you say things like 822099.99 of Android users buy Android for cost and make excuses up to justify owning a 200 smartphone over a 650 one8221. That stat sounds totally legit. As far as the FBI vs Apple case, I know all about it. I support the FBI8217s request for Apple to hack the PARTICULAR phone that was owned by a KNOWN TERRORIST AND KILLER if they are able to do so. I don8217t support any request to create a universal backdoor that can be used at any time. Answer this question. If a member of your family was kidnapped and the kidnapper dropped their locked iphone and the police found it and wanted Apple to hack into it to see if it would help located your missing loved on, would you support or be against that Would you just say 8220Oh well, I value the concept of privacy too much to ask Apple to do such a thing.8221. Fortunately, since iphones have been exposed now as easily hackable, it wouldn8217t be a problem or moral dilemma for you. Apple OWNED Matt you need to get your facts straight. Android is much more stable than iPhone and apparently the camera on Android is better too. zdnet article android-lollipop-more-stable-than-ios-8 I move apps to my SD card on my Galaxy S5, but it doesn8217t help with the storage issue. My photos still show up as using phone memory, unless I pull the card out and most apps still use some of your phones memory, even after being put on the SD card. It is also a pain in the A to move every app you download. I still love my Galaxy and plan to get the 7 edge, but I wanted to clear up the misconception of you truly having more storage. Something must be wonky here. I have a 16GB S5 with 9GB of pictures on a microSD card and those photos aren8217t affecting my internal phone storage at all. I have over 9 GB of app and system data alone on the internal storage. Cache data and miscellaneous files use another 4GB. Still have over 3GB free. Bottom line, external pictures shouldn8217t also use internal memory. Not satisfied because SD storage is slower and concessions shouldn8217t have to be made for that expensive of a device, especially when there8217s an option readily available built into the OS that was disabled by the manufacturer. Not acceptable. If the option you are referring to is the adoptable storage I don8217t think that makes anything faster. It would still be restricted by the speed of the sd storage8230. Thanks for this post. It helped me to decide tonight to cancel the order for the 32 GB Galaxy S7 Edge and just hold out for the 64 GB version, that I8217m sure will be available in a few months8230 Silly that they didn8217t offer it out of the gate8230 Can someone tell me if the 200 gb SD card for sale on Amazon will work for 4K video or just 1080p on down I highly doubt it moves the bulk of the big apps to SD card. It probably moves the apk, dex, and lib files to SD only (which has been native in android8211the Kit Kat way8211forever. But the internal app data and obb files which is where 90 of big games data lives, has to stay on the data partition unless you symlink to an SD card partition with same format. Read about how link2SD app on play store works to understand what the Android 6.0 merging of SD card and internal storage is based on (that the S7 has disabled in its fork of Android). Yeah, that8217s a pretty good thing actually. Good for them to implement. To be fair, Android by itself does take up a bit more space in Marshmallow. On my Nexus 6, I can8217t push a new build. prop edit onto the phone without moving some apps out of the System folder on the new Marshmallow builds. The reasoning is that the System partition has gotten a bit too full. So add Marshmallow bloat to another UI layer, 8230 surprise I thought every phone did this lol8230 Because my computer is for work and skyrim with 4k textures, my phone is for angry birds and making phone calls8230 There is no realistic advantage to having fast storage in a phone, at least for me You just proved my point though. You8217re using an SSD for increased performance, just like I am. I can8217t put my OS on a mechanical HDD anymore because it8217s unbearably slow, even in RAID0. You do want faster NAND flash. Once you upgrade, you8217ll know what I mean when you try to use your M8 again. Everything takes longer. Obviously, apps that stay in RAM run at the speed of RAM, so no improvement will be seen. It8217s when apps are loaded into RAM, updated in the Play Store, when reading writing large data files (game data, large videos, etc.), and loading heavy websites, that you8217ll begin to notice. By the time SD cards of today start to feel slow, then we will have new soc8217s that support the fast SD cards. Again, ssd8217s sport much larger performance gains compared to hdd8217s than flash does to sd cards, at least in my experience. If you feel like paying 200 for minimal amounts of storage on your phone be my guest. I8217ll gladly spend that on a ssd, but not for my phone. Also, a ssd in a computer is far more noticeable in terms of performance than fast flash storage is in a phone, I know this because my iPhone 6s didn8217t really feel faster despite having the fastest flash speed available on the market compared to my m8. Except you had a Galaxy S6 and OOPS No SD Card Genius Samsung, genius. This is not reply to above, as much as reply to article: This 8220we can move app to SD8221 is not true for many large apps and games, practically all that download lot of data after first start. Those apps store their own data on internal Android obb or Android data, and those hundreds of MB per app do NOT move to external SD when you use 8220move app8221. So you end up with moving only small part of such app to external SD. Unless they changed how they do that on S7 (which I doubt), ability to move apps to external SD will NOT always save you enough space. You are totally right. I have galaxy s7 edge, and when I tried to transfer game which size is about 2GB it transfered just several hundreds MB. Would be much better to have bigger internal memory than putting micro sd which no have no point of moving programs. Why they can8217t create clean full transferring8230 If Samsung offers 64GB or even 128GB I would not hesitate to choose Galaxy S7 Edge over Nexus 6P. Having an option of expandable microSD with only 32GB internal storage is useless since you will have a lot of technical issues when you move apps to microSD. I am currently using 128GB Nexus 6P. I insert 200GB microSD into USB-C microSD adapter and connect it into my Nexus 6P for movie, music and photos. 128GB internal 9and 200GB extra external to use work so beautifully for me. Until Samsung releases 64GB or even 128GB internal, I will stay with Nexus 6P or 7 that will be released this year. The only thing I hate about Nexus 6P is fingerprint sensor on the back. Indeed and they should acquire a cheaper phone8230but the beauty is tmobile jump on demand can put these expensive computers in the hands of more people without breaking the bank. Isn8217t this just one of the marshmallow features At least I thought I remembered reading something about this, in addition to adoptable storage. I8217m a bit confused too. From what I gather, moving apps to SD for portable storage is no longer a native Android feature and has been superseded by adoptable storage, which isn8217t mandatory for 3rd party OEMs. Therefore it8217s up to the OEM to decide whether then want to implement: 8211 Portable storage with Apps2SD (as Samsung has done) 8211 Portable storage without Apps2SD (worst case scenario, not sure who does this) 8211 Adoptable storage (implemented in Moto X Pure amp Droid 2 Turbo) Adoptable storage will merge your internal storage with your SD, so your internal storage will be 32gb SD space. There8217ll be no distinction between them. What is shown in this post is the good and old 8220move to SD8221 that has been present since ICS or GB. It only moves some part of the app to the SD. That might be a better idea than Adoptable Storage for the average folks. Less confusion. Me personally, I8217d be fine. Currently my 6p I8217ve only used 10GB. Sim. That8217s better. Is there a noticeable difference in speed opening the apps from the microSD card vs internal storage i would say it really depends on the app and the sd card. it8217s technically slower (especially compared to UFS 2). but for most apps, i can8217t really see it being an issue provided you8217re using a fast SD card. I have two microSD cards waiting for the S7 edge. The first one is a UFS-3, Class 10 64GB microSD card. I8217ll use that one for 4K video recording, if I ever need to record in 4K. The second one is a UFS-1, Class 10 200GB microSD card. That8217ll be my main one for the phone for photos, apps, HD video, music, etc. i have a UFS-3 64gb card i8217m going to use. i figure 96GB of space should be plenty, if i need more space, by then prices will have dropped and speeds will have gone up. i8217m pretty sure either of those cards should work fine with little to no real noticeable slowdown Tried it on sd card and internal with insta and clash of clans and didn8217t notice a real difference in load time to open the app. That8217s not scientific or anything but I don8217t think it makes a real difference. I am fed up with pre-loaded bloatware. I think I may be done with Samsung and will look seriously at the next Nexus device. You are wrong there. In the past (up to S5 that I checked), it moved 8220core8221 app files to SD, but problem was that those 8220core8221 files are small ones 8211 usually app itself. If that app download lot of data AFTER it is started, that data remains to internal SD. mostly in Android obb and Android data folders. In other words, for most large games that download hundreds of MB after first start, you will move only 10 of game to external SD, and all those hundreds of MB will remain on internal storage. TLDR: 8220move app to external SD8221 may move only small part of app to external and keep MOST of large app on internal SD. Would u happen to know an app that can multi-select apps to move to SD card Clean Master has a feature that uninstalls or force closes multiple apps (with minimal user interaction). Link2SD (goo. gl JdIXse ) can batch move apps to SD, aside from it8217s main (root-required) feature: make symlinks and move the apps to an external SD hidden partition (kinda like a make-shift adoptable storage) Yikes8230One of the reasons I won8217t buy a Samsung device. They8217ve made impressive devices so far this year though. So if you can move apps but not delete8230. why cant you move them to the SD card and then format it to erase them About Droid Life

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